
  • Hello, we are a group of UK-based women journalists led by Alison Clarke and have set up this blog as a 'not for profit' venture...

    WomensViewsOnNews.org is an online women's news service that provides stories about women that have appeared in a variety of news outlets. Our aim is to attract writers from around the world who file news stories which are either about women, or which specifically focus on a woman's experience of that breaking news story. We're also interested in publishing comment pieces about current news stories, so if you have an opinion and want to voice it, now's your chance .

    To get things moving, we're writing up stories as we become aware of them from a range of news sources but would very much appreciate your input. We look forward to hearing from you.

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    • Comments policy
      We do not pre-moderate any comments and welcome all kinds of thoughts- supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. We do not delete or censor comments unless the content is abusive; off-topic; promotes hate of any kind; uses excessively foul language; is blatantly spam. All comments are filtered through spam filtering technology. It isn’t perfect and from time to time it flags legitimate emails. If you find that your comment doesn't show up immediately, it may have been erroneously flagged as spam. Please email [email protected] to follow up on the status of your comment if it hasn’t shown up after 24 hours and we will do our best to sort it out. Many thanks. WVON collective
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